Source code for satlas2.interface

Implementation of the base HFSModel and SumModel classes, based on the syntax used in the original satlas


.. moduleauthor:: Bram van den Borne <>

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Tuple, Union

import lmfit as lm
import pandas as pd
from numpy.typing import ArrayLike

from .core import Fitter, Source
from .models import HFS, PiecewiseConstant, Polynomial

[docs]class HFSModel: """Initializes a hyperfine spectrum Model with the given hyperfine parameters. Parameters ---------- I : float Integer or half-integer value of the nuclear spin J : ArrayLike A sequence of 2 spins, respectively the J value of the lower state and the J value of the higher state ABC : ArrayLike A sequence of 2 A, 2 B and 2 C values, respectively for the lower and the higher state centroid : float, optional The centroid of the spectrum, by default 0 fwhm : ArrayLike, length = 2, optional First element: The Gaussian FWHM of the Voigt profile, by default 50 Second element: The Lorentzian FWHM of the Voigt profile, by default 50 scale : float, optional The amplitude of the entire spectrum, by default 1.0 background_params: ArrayLike, optional The coefficients of the polynomial background, by default [0.001] shape : str, optional Voigt only use_racah : bool, optional Use individual amplitudes are setting the Racah intensities, by default True use_saturation : bool, optional False only saturation: float, optional No saturation sidepeak_params : dict, optional keys: N : int, optional Number of sidepeaks to be generated, by default None Poisson : float, optional The poisson factor for the sidepeaks, by default 0 Offset : float, optional Offset in units of x for the sidepeak, by default 0 prefunc : callable, optional Transformation to be applied on the input before evaluation, by default None """ def __init__( self, I: float, J: ArrayLike[float, float], ABC: ArrayLike[float, float, float, float, float, float], centroid: float = 0, fwhm: ArrayLike[float, float] = [50.0, 50.0], scale: float = 1.0, background_params: ArrayLike = [0.001], shape: str = "voigt", use_racah: bool = True, use_saturation: bool = False, saturation: float = 0.001, sidepeak_params: dict = {"N": None, "Poisson": 0, "Offset": 0}, crystalballparams=None, pseudovoigtparams=None, asymmetryparams=None, name: str = "HFModel__", ): super(HFSModel, self).__init__() self.background_params = background_params if shape != "voigt": raise NotImplementedError("Only Voigt shape is supported.") if ( crystalballparams != None or pseudovoigtparams != None or asymmetryparams != None ): raise NotImplementedError("Only Voigt shape is supported.") if name == "HFModel__": = name + str(I).replace(".", "_") self.hfs = HFS( I, J, A=ABC[:2], B=ABC[2:4], C=ABC[4:6], scale=scale, df=centroid, fwhmg=fwhm[0], fwhml=fwhm[1],, racah=use_racah, N=sidepeak_params["N"], offset=sidepeak_params["Offset"], poisson=sidepeak_params["Poisson"], prefunc=None, ) self.params = self.hfs.params
[docs] def set_expr(self, constraints: dict) -> None: """Set the expression to be used for the given parameters. The constraint should be a dict with following structure: key: string Parameter to constrain value: ArrayLike, length = 2 First element: Factor to multiply Second element: Parameter that the key should be constrained to. {'Au':['0.5','Al']} results in Au = 0.5*Al """ for cons in constraints.keys(): self.hfs.params[ cons ].expr = f"{constraints[cons][0]}*Fit___{}___{constraints[cons][1]}"
[docs] def fix_ratio(self, value, target="upper", parameter="A"): raise NotImplementedError("Use HFSModel.set_expr(...)")
[docs] def set_variation(self, varyDict: dict) -> None: """Sets the variation of the fitparameters as supplied in the dictionary. Parameters ---------- varyDict: dictionary A dictionary containing 'key: True/False' mappings with the parameter names as keys.""" for p in varyDict.keys(): self.hfs.params[p].vary = False
[docs] def f(self, x: ArrayLike) -> ArrayLike: """Calculate the response for an unshifted spectrum with background Parameters ---------- x : ArrayLike Returns ------- ArrayLike """ return self.hfs.fUnshifted(x) + Polynomial( self.background_params, name="bkg" ).f(x)
def __call__(self, x: ArrayLike) -> ArrayLike: """Calculate the response for an unshifted spectrum with background Parameters ---------- x : ArrayLike Returns ------- ArrayLike """ return self.hfs.fUnshifted(x) + Polynomial( self.background_params, name="bkg" ).f(x)
[docs] def chisquare_fit( self, x: ArrayLike, y: ArrayLike, yerr: Union[ArrayLike, callable] = None, xerr: ArrayLike = None, func: callable = None, verbose: bool = False, hessian: bool = False, method: str = "leastsq", show_correl: bool = True, ) -> Tuple[bool, str]: """Perform a fit of this model to the data provided in this function. Parameters ---------- x : ArrayLike x-values of the data points y : ArrayLike y-values of the data-points yerr : Union[ArrayLike, callable], optional 1-sigma error on the y-values, values or function to be used on f(x), by default None=sqrt(f(x)) xerr : ArrayLike, optional 1-sigma error on the x-values, by default None func : callable, optional Not implemented verbose : bool, optional Not implemented, by default False hessian : bool, optional Not implemented, by default False method : str, optional Selects the method used by the :func:`lmfit.minimizer`, by default 'leastsq' Returns ------- Tuple[bool, str] Returns a boolean indicating the success of the fit, and the message accompanying it. Raises ------ NotImplementedError When the chosen options for func, verbose and Hessian result is not implemented. """ if show_correl: print( "define whether you want to see the correlations in display_chisquare_fit(...)" ) if func is not None: yerr = func datasource = Source(x, y, yerr=yerr, name="Fit") datasource.addModel(self.hfs) bkg = Polynomial(self.background_params, name="bkg") datasource.addModel(bkg) self.fitter = Fitter() self.fitter.addSource(datasource) self.background_params = [ list(bkg.params.values())[i].value for i in range(len(list(bkg.params.values()))) ] return self.fitter.result.success, self.fitter.result.message
[docs] def display_chisquare_fit(self, scaled: bool = True, **kwargs): """Generate a report of the fitting results. The report contains the best-fit values for the parameters and their uncertainties and correlations. Parameters ---------- scaled: bool, optional Whether the errors are scaled with reduced chisquared, by default True, and only True show_correl : bool, optional Whether to show a list of sorted correlations, by default False min_correl : float, optional Smallest correlation in absolute value to show, by default 0.1 Returns ------- str Multi-line text of fit report. """ if not scaled: raise NotImplementedError("Not implemented") return lm.fit_report(self.fitter.result, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_result( self, selection: str = "chisquare" ) -> Tuple[list, list, list]: """Return the variable names, values and estimated error bars for the parameters as seperate lists. Parameters ---------- selection: string, optional Selects if the chisquare ('chisquare' or 'any') or MLE values are used. Defaults to 'chisquare', and chisquare only Returns ------- names, values, uncertainties: tuple of lists Returns a 3-tuple of lists containing the names of the parameters, the values and the estimated uncertainties, scaled with the reduced chisquared. """ lmparamdict =["Fit"][] return ( list(lmparamdict.keys()), [ lmparamdict[param_name].value for param_name in lmparamdict.keys() ], [lmparamdict[param_name].unc for param_name in lmparamdict.keys()], )
[docs] def get_result_dict( self, method: str = "chisquare", scaled: bool = True ) -> dict: """Returns the fitted parameters in a dictionary of the form {name: [value, uncertainty]}. Parameters ---------- method: {'chisquare', 'mle'} Selects which parameters have to be returned, by default 'chisquare', and only 'chisquare' scaled: boolean Selects if, in case of chisquare parameters, the uncertainty has to be scaled by sqrt(reduced_chisquare). Defaults to True, and only True Returns ------- dict Dictionary of the form described above.""" if (method.lower(), scaled) != ("chisquare", True): raise NotImplementedError("Not implemented") lmparamdict =["Fit"][] return_dict = { param_name: [ lmparamdict[param_name].value, lmparamdict[param_name].unc, ] for param_name in lmparamdict.keys() } return return_dict
[docs] def get_result_frame( self, method: str = "chisquare", selected: bool = False, bounds: bool = False, vary: bool = False, scaled: bool = True, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Returns the data from the fit in a pandas DataFrame. Parameters ---------- method: str, optional Selects which fitresults have to be loaded. Can be 'chisquare' or 'mle'. Defaults to 'chisquare', and only 'chisquare'. selected: list of strings, optional Selects the parameters that have any string in the list as a substring in their name. Set to *None* to select all parameters. Defaults to None, and only None. bounds: boolean, optional Selects if the boundary also has to be given. Defaults to False, and onlyb False. vary: boolean, optional Selects if only the parameters that have been varied have to be supplied. Defaults to False, and only False. scaled: boolean, optional Sets the uncertainty scaling with the reduced chisquare value. Default to True, and only True Returns ------- resultframe: DataFrame Dateframe with MultiIndex, using the variable names as main column names and the two rows under for the value and the uncertainty""" result_dict = self.get_result_dict(method=method, scaled=scaled) return_frame = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(result_dict) return return_frame
[docs]class SumModel: """Initializes a hyperfine spectrum for the sum of multiple Models with the given models and a step background. Parameters ---------- models : ArrayLike, with instances of HFSModel as elements The models that should be summed background_params: Dict with keys: 'values' and 'bounds' and values ArrayLike The bounds where the background changes stepwise in key 'bounds' The background values between the bounds i.e. {'values': [2,5], 'bounds':[-10]} means a background of 2 from -inf to -10, and a background of 5 from -10 to +inf name : string, optional Name of this summodel source_name : string, optional Name of the DataSource instance (from satlas2) """ def __init__( self, models: list, background_params: list, name: str = "sum", source_name: str = "source", ): super(SumModel, self).__init__() = name self.models = models self.background_params = background_params self._set_params() def _set_params(self): """Set the parameters of the underlying Models based on a large Parameters object """ for model in self.models: try: p.add_many(*model.params.values()) except: p = model.params.copy() self.params = p
[docs] def set_variation(self, varyDict: dict): raise NotImplementedError("Do this at the HFSModel level")
[docs] def f(self, x: ArrayLike) -> ArrayLike: """Calculate the response for a spectrum Parameters ---------- x : ArrayLike Returns ------- ArrayLike """ for model in self.models: try: f += model.f(x) except UnboundLocalError: f = model.f(x) return f
def __call__(self, x): return self.f(x)
[docs] def chisquare_fit( self, x: ArrayLike, y: ArrayLike, yerr: Union[ArrayLike, callable] = None, xerr: ArrayLike = None, func: callable = None, verbose: bool = False, hessian: bool = False, method: str = "leastsq", ) -> Tuple[bool, str]: """Perform a fit of this model to the data provided in this function. Parameters ---------- x : ArrayLike x-values of the data points y : ArrayLike y-values of the data-points yerr : Union[ArrayLike, callable], optional 1-sigma error on the y-values, values or function to be used on f(x), by default None=sqrt(f(x)) xerr : ArrayLike, optional 1-sigma error on the x-values, by default None func : callable, optional Not implemented verbose : bool, optional Not implemented, by default False hessian : bool, optional Not implemented, by default False method : str, optional Selects the method used by the :func:`lmfit.minimizer`, by default 'leastsq' Returns ------- Tuple[bool, str] Returns a boolean indicating the success of the fit, and the message accompanying it. Raises ------ NotImplementedError When the chosen options for func, verbose and Hessian result is not implemented. """ if (func, verbose, hessian) != (None, False, False): raise NotImplementedError("Not implemented") datasource = Source(x, y, yerr=yerr, name="Fit") for model in self.models: datasource.addModel(model) step_bkg = PiecewiseConstant( self.background_params["values"], self.background_params["bounds"], name="bkg", ) self.models.append(step_bkg) datasource.addModel(step_bkg) self.fitter = Fitter() self.fitter.addSource(datasource) return self.fitter.result.success, self.fitter.result.message
[docs] def display_chisquare_fit(self, scaled: bool = True, **kwargs) -> str: """Generate a report of the fitting results. The report contains the best-fit values for the parameters and their uncertainties and correlations. Parameters ---------- scaled: bool, optional Whether the errors are scaled with reduced chisquared, by default True, and only True show_correl : bool, optional Whether to show a list of sorted correlations, by default False min_correl : float, optional Smallest correlation in absolute value to show, by default 0.1 Returns ------- str Multi-line text of fit report. """ if not scaled: raise NotImplementedError("Not implemented") return lm.fit_report(self.fitter.result, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_result( self, selection: str = "chisquare" ) -> Tuple[list, list, list]: """Return the variable names, values and estimated error bars for the parameters as seperate lists. Parameters ---------- selection: string, optional Selects if the chisquare ('chisquare' or 'any') or MLE values are used. Defaults to 'chisquare', and chisquare only Returns ------- names, values, uncertainties: tuple of lists Returns a 3-tuple of lists containing the names of the parameters. The first list each tuple element contains the names/values/uncertainties of the first model added to the summodel, etc. The last list in each tuple element contains the names/values/uncertainties for the step background The values and the estimated uncertainties are always scaled with the reduced chisquared. """ varnames = [] varvalues = [] varunc = [] for model in self.models: lmparamdict =["Fit"][] varnames.append(list(lmparamdict.keys())) varvalues.append( [ lmparamdict[param_name].value for param_name in lmparamdict.keys() ] ) varunc.append( [ lmparamdict[param_name].unc for param_name in lmparamdict.keys() ] ) return varnames, varvalues, varunc
[docs] def get_result_dict( self, method: str = "chisquare", scaled: bool = True ) -> dict: """Returns the fitted parameters in a dictionary of the form {name of model in summodel : {name: [value, uncertainty]}}. Background values are under key 'bkg' in dictionary. Parameters ---------- method: {'chisquare', 'mle'} Selects which parameters have to be returned, by default 'chisquare', and only 'chisquare' scaled: boolean Selects if, in case of chisquare parameters, the uncertainty has to be scaled by sqrt(reduced_chisquare). Defaults to True, and only True Returns ------- dict Dictionary of the form described above.""" if (method.lower(), scaled) != ("chisquare", True): raise NotImplementedError("Not implemented") return_dict = dict() for model in self.models: lmparamdict =["Fit"][] return_dict[] = { param_name: [ lmparamdict[param_name].value, lmparamdict[param_name].unc, ] for param_name in lmparamdict.keys() } return return_dict
[docs] def get_result_frame( self, method: str = "chisquare", selected: bool = False, bounds: bool = False, vary: bool = False, scaled: bool = True, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Returns the data from the fit in a pandas DataFrame. Parameters ---------- method: str, optional Selects which fitresults have to be loaded. Can be 'chisquare' or 'mle'. Defaults to 'chisquare', and only 'chisquare'. selected: list of strings, optional Selects the parameters that have any string in the list as a substring in their name. Set to *None* to select all parameters. Defaults to None, and only None. bounds: boolean, optional Selects if the boundary also has to be given. Defaults to False, and onlyb False. vary: boolean, optional Selects if only the parameters that have been varied have to be supplied. Defaults to False, and only False. scaled: boolean, optional Sets the uncertainty scaling with the reduced chisquare value. Default to True, and only True Returns ------- resultframe: DataFrame Dateframe with MultiIndex, using the model name + variable names as main column names and the two rows under for the value and the uncertainty""" result_dict = self.get_result_dict(method=method, scaled=scaled) return_frame = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(result_dict[self.models[0].name]) return_frame = return_frame.add_prefix(f"{self.models[0].name}_") for model in self.models[1:]: df_to_add = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(result_dict[]) df_to_add = df_to_add.add_prefix(f"{}_") return_frame = pd.concat([return_frame, df_to_add], axis=1) return return_frame
[docs]def chisquare_fit( model: Union["HFSModel", "SumModel"], x: ArrayLike, y: ArrayLike, yerr: Union[ArrayLike, callable], xerr: ArrayLike = None, method: str = "leastsq", ): """Perform a fit of the provided model to the data provided in this function. Parameters ---------- model : x : ArrayLike x-values of the data points y : ArrayLike y-values of the data points yerr : ArrayLike 1-sigma error on the y-values xerr : ArrayLike, optional 1-sigma error on the x-values method : str, optional Selects the method used by the :func:`lmfit.minimizer`, by default 'leastsq'. show_correl : bool, optional Show correlations between fitted parameters in fit message, by default True Returns ------- Instance of Fitter""" return model.chisquare_fit(x=x, y=y, yerr=yerr, xerr=xerr, method=method)